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News in brief, August 27, 2004

Work and family test case hearings delayed until September 1; High Court to consider granting special leave to appeal landmark Solution 6 unfair contracts ruling; Clarification of Adecco article; Lawler meant to refer to unfair dismissal jurisdiction; Redundancy payment implied term of contract, says WA IRC; and Former Crow falters at kick-off with long service leave claim.

Suncorp beefs up offer after union campaign

Suncorp has boosted the guaranteed pay increase and reinstated the AIRC's power to arbitrate disputes in its s170LK agreement offer, following an FSU push to improve the deal.

Update labour regulation for digital age, says US professor

IR institutions and labour law need to be reshaped to provide fairness, stability and justice for the workplace of the digital age, according to a US law professor who will be the keynote speaker at a national labour law conference next month.

Contract call centres fight roping-in bid

Major contract call centre companies TeleTech, Salmat and SalesForce Australia are before a full bench of the AIRC this week opposing a union bid to rope them into the federal contract call centre award.

Appoint AIRC members with economics expertise, says AIG

The Australian Industry Group has called on the AIRC to give greater emphasis to economic considerations and for the Federal Government to appoint a greater proportion of AIRC members with economic expertise, to ensure it has the necessary skills to decide the national wage case.

News in brief, August 24, 2004

Mitsubishi workers vote up redundancy package; Childcare tax taskforce wants survey participants; Increase in VCAT appeals, but quicker turnaround; Tenix lockout to end tomorrow.

Unfair to sack fighting chief engineer: AIRC

In a long-running unfair dismissal case involving a chief engineer on a ship who was sacked for fighting, the AIRC has this time round found that there was a valid reason for his dismissal, but that it was unfair.

Lawler defends AIRC and its President

AIRC Vice President Michael Lawler has defended the AIRC and its President against recent claims that it was partisan and deliberately expanding its turf to overcome the restraints imposed by the Workplace Relations Act.