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Refer Electrolux questions to full bench, says AIG

The AIG has today asked the AIRC to refer the certification of a food manufacturer's enterprise agreement to a full bench, in a bid to resolve questions about what can lawfully be included in agreements following the High Court's September 2 Electrolux decision.

Westpac pays 4% increase; CBA opposes FSU shareholder resolution

Westpac has announced today that it will pay its 22,000 Australian employees a 4% pay rise from October 1 despite failing to conclude bargaining negotiations with the FSU, while the CBA - which is in a protracted bargaining dispute with the union - will oppose a resolution the FSU is putting to its November 5 AGM.

CFMEU goes for gold, but fails to get foothold

The CFMEU (mining & energy division) has failed in its first formal bid in a decade to get a foothold in metalliferous mining in Tasmania, with its arch rival the AWU emerging with an agreement at the site the CFMEU was targeting.

News in brief, September 20, 2004

Employers to face shortages as full employment returns, says Ruthven; Wages for office workers up 3.8%: Drake; High earner allowed to pursue unfair dismissal; Judge raises doubts about whether employer has power to direct trainee to take psych test; AIRC orders ballot over enterprise deal at Groote Eylandt mine; Income disparity widening, says survey; 9.5% work value rise for call takers; AIRC upholds drug company's zero tolerance; Australian Paper, Silcar fend off industrial activity discrimination claims; and CPSU launches pre-poll push for fairer deal in public sector.

Housing agency introduces purchased leave scheme

Defence Housing Authority employees have won the right to purchase up to four weeks annual leave, under a new s170LK enterprise agreement certified by the AIRC today.

BHPB and CFMEU square off in Illawarra

With coking coal prices at historic highs, BHP Billiton and the CFMEU (mining & energy division) are in the middle of a showdown in the Illawarra region of NSW that could threaten the supply of high grade coal to the nearby BlueScope steelworks.

Overweight coal miner's battle with Anglo Coal pays off in ADT

An overweight coal miner sacked three times by Anglo Coal's Capcoal operations for being unfit for work has won a discrimination claim against the company after it then refused to let him on site at a different mine.