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Full bench clarifies when an agreement is reached

An AIRC full bench has found that the Commission has the power to certify a s170LJ union-employer enterprise agreement once it has been made, even if a party principal seeks to withdraw from the deal before it goes to a ballot or is explained to employees.

Queensland company liable for pregnancy discrimination

A Cairns adventure tourism operator has been ordered to pay a former manager $26,750 in damages, lost earnings and interest after being found to have discriminated against her on the basis of her pregnancy and parental status.

Casual loading not worth its official value: ACIRRT

The main perceived benefit of being a casual worker - the loading - is less valuable than believed, with many workers in reality getting an hourly premium of less than 10%, according to new research by ACIRRT.

Pay rises in private sector bargains drop to 3.6%

Pay rises under private sector enterprise agreements have sunk to a 15-month low, in another indication that wages are failing to respond to the tightening labour market.

Star City workers vote up deal on second roll of the dice

Star City casino workers in Sydney have voted up a new enterprise agreement - struck after a protracted bargaining process in which a similar deal was voted down - that delivers a 9.25% pay rise over two years plus a range of additional benefits.

Victorian unionists express "concern" over Johnston jailing

The executive of the Victorian Trades Hall Council has this morning unanimously passed a resolution expressing concern over the jailing of former AMWU state secretary, Craig Johnston, and the length of the jail term imposed by the Court of Appeal.

Deal reached at Australia Post, but not yet across the line

Australia Post and unions have finally reached agreement after months of difficult bargaining negotiations, but the deal isn't over the line yet, as the CEPU's Victorian post and telecommunications branch is pushing for a no vote.