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Joint employment only a matter of time; and could secure entitlements

It is only a matter of time before a court of record accepts the concept of joint employment in a labour hire situation, while the fledgling concept could in future be used more widely to secure employee entitlements during strategic insolvencies, the conference heard today.

Travel and childcare should be tax deductible

Work has changed in such significant and relevant ways that it is now strongly arguable that childcare and travel to and from work should be tax deductible, a Sydney conference has heard.

Employment law lagging the revolution at work, says US professor

Employment law has failed to keep pace with the challenges thrown up by the "new deal at work" that has slashed employees' job tenure and job security, leading US employment lawyer Katherine Stone told a conference today.

Non-financial rewards up, forced redundancies down

Large corporations are expecting to pay their employees remuneration increases ranging from 4.2% for operations/support staff to 4.4% for senior executives this year, according to a survey of employee benefits.

Refer Electrolux questions to full bench, says AIG

The AIG has today asked the AIRC to refer the certification of a food manufacturer's enterprise agreement to a full bench, in a bid to resolve questions about what can lawfully be included in agreements following the High Court's September 2 Electrolux decision.

Westpac pays 4% increase; CBA opposes FSU shareholder resolution

Westpac has announced today that it will pay its 22,000 Australian employees a 4% pay rise from October 1 despite failing to conclude bargaining negotiations with the FSU, while the CBA - which is in a protracted bargaining dispute with the union - will oppose a resolution the FSU is putting to its November 5 AGM.