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News in brief, October 20, 2004

New panels for AIRC; Disciplining firefighters the preserve of legislation, not certified agreement; Fuji technicians escape Big Brother; AWU resolutions fail at BlueScope AGM, but union concerns dominate proceedings; and Garage door installer a contractor, AIRC finds.

St George employees vote up deal

St George employees have voted up a new enterprise agreement that delivers a 12% wage rise over three years, plus additional increases for workers on the lowest pay levels.

Qantas intimidating trainees, says FAAA

The AIRC has observed today that a sudden drop in attendance of Qantas flight attendant trainees at union induction sessions "looks a little odd" and suggested that "where there's smoke there's fire", following FAAA allegations of intimidation and harassment of the trainees.

News in brief, October 19

Customs officers going out on Friday; AIRC reinstates public servant sacked for credit-card fraud; Australia Post says program increases emotional intelligence.

Qantas training more short-term flight attendants, says union

Qantas intends to train a further 190 international flight attendants on short-term contracts, on top of 300 that are undergoing training or already on the job, the FAAA told the AIRC today before it directed Qantas to confer with the union, which claims the airline is training a replacement workforce.

Court clarifies unfair contract question

The NSW Court of Appeal has clarified the extent of connection to work required to allow commercial unfair contract cases to be heard by the State IRC.

News in brief, October 18, 2004

Emerson goes to back bench; Young men expecting women to do the caring; and NT transport workers win 25% casual loading.

New productivity record on the docks

Six years after the bitter 1998 waterfront dispute, productivity on the docks has hit a new high water mark.

Rann Government compromises on Fair Work Bill

South Australia's Rann Government has substantially watered down its IR reform package, in what Business SA is calling a win for its protest campaign.