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Maximum compensation for ageist dismissal

The WA IRC has found a 60-year old stock controller's forced redundancy after 23 years was in fact an unfair dismissal "tainted with ageism", and awarded him the maximum compensation available.

IBM and Exxon rated best for workplace practices

IBM Australia and Exxon-Mobil Australia have achieved the highest rating for workplace practices in the latest RepuTex social responsibility survey for the Australia Pacific region.

News in brief, November 8, 2004

Skilled labour shortages might drive up wages, says RBA; and Former US Labour Secretary Robert Reich to visit Australia next month.

Electrolux uncertainty continues as Merkon case withdrawn

The uncertainty surrounding the implementation of the High Court's Electrolux decision is set to linger on, after the AIRC announced this afternoon that the Merkon Constructions test case had been halted.

ACTU again seeks $26.60-a-week safety net increase

The ACTU will seek a $26.60-a-week wage rise next year for Australia's 1.6 million award workers - the same increase it pursued last year, the secretary of the peak union body, Greg Combet, announced today.

Accessing the upgraded Workplace Express site

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Court ups directors' fines to deter bullying

Two directors who failed to ensure their workplace was free from bullying have had the fines against them increased from $2,000 to $21,000 by the NSW IRC, in a ruling that makes it clear that employers' OHS obligations extend to preventing intimidatory and violent behaviour at work.

News in brief, November 7, 2004

Trevor Smith resigns as CFMEU national president; Name change for NSW Labor Council; Work and family test case expected to wind-up mid-December; and Electrolux deal derailed by Electrolux decision.

CFMEU conference endorses union OHS prosecutions

The CFMEU (mining & energy division) will continue to prosecute individual mine managers and coal companies for health and safety breaches when government departments fail to do so, with delegates to the union's four-yearly national conference this week unanimously endorsing the approach.

OEA approvals hit target rate for year

The OEA approved 151,000 AWAs in the 2003-2004 financial year, up 47% on the previous 12 months, according to the office's annual report.