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Government will resurrect Cole bill next year

The Federal Government will use its Senate majority to target the construction industry, announcing today that it will re-introduce its rejected Cole-based legislation into Parliament next year.

News in brief, November 3, 2004

AIRC President issues statement on Merkon matters pertaining case; AWAs have record month; and Corporate boys club driving women into small business, says new study.

Salary sacrifice pertains, but only for super

A senior AIRC member has found that agreements can be certified if they contain arrangements for salary sacrifice into super but not if they require payment of site rates to labour hire employees, in a new ruling on the vexed issue of matters pertaining.

Deal averts threat of Christmas industrial action by flight attendants

Qantas and its long haul flight attendants have avoided a disruptive industrial campaign over the peak Christmas-New Year period, after striking a new three-year enterprise agreement that allows the new London base to proceed and gives the 3,800 employees a 3% annual pay increase.

Pilbara union extends ACTU organising model, says new book

The Pilbara Mineworkers Union heralds a new type of local and community-based unionism that could be a model for organising in other industries and locations, according to the author of a newly-launched book on the union.

Softly, softly, Freehills partner urges Federal Government

The Howard Government will need to take a cautious approach to legislating IR change now it hads control of the Senate, or provoke a reaction from workers and unions, Freehills partner Philip Willox told the WA IR Society convention on the weekend.

AWU's Shorten outlines what makes an ideal workplace

What does the ideal workplace look like? AWU national secretary Bill Shorten outlined his view in a speech delivered to the WA IR Society conference on Saturday, while he also touched on union representation and demarcations in the State's Pilbara region.

News in brief, November 1, 2004

Andrews to intervene in looming Wesfarmers case; Labor responds to Andrews'three bills; and UK to boost paid paternity leave to two weeks at 90% of workers' full pay packet.

WA to consider constitutional challenge if necessary

The WA Government will consider a High Court challenge to any move by the Federal Government to use the corporations power to take over the State IR system and downgrade workers' employment rights, Employment Protection Minister John Kobelke said today.