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Munro labels Electrolux High Court bench "blind assassins"

The "so-called" black letter lawyers in the High Court's Electrolux majority took a misdirected, unbalanced activist approach that amounted to them acting like a "blind assassin", according to former senior AIRC member Paul Munro.

Talk to the ACTU: Hawke plea to Howard

The former ALP Prime Minister, Bob Hawke, has made a "genuine plea" to the Howard Government to reconsider what "appears to be its intention" to take Australia down a more confrontationist and less socially cohesive road.

Matters pertain: Win for unions in post-Electrolux case

In the decision IR practitioners have been sweating on, the AIRC has rejected employer-group arguments that a raft of provisions in a comprehensive NUW agreement do not pertain to the employment relationship, allowing clauses covering a prohibition on offering AWAs, site rates for casual labour hire workers, union right of entry, trade union training leave, and paid leave for union delegates.

Andrews reveals IR priorities

The Federal Workplace Relations Minister, Kevin Andrews, this morning began sketching out a road-map for the coming IR changes, making it clear that the AIRC's role, independent contractors' legislation and a unitary unfair dismissal system were high on the Howard Government's fourth term agenda.

News in brief, October 21, 2004

Qantas ready to deal with flight attendants' "sick out", Dixon tells AGM; Partial annual leave cash-out OK, says Queensland IRC; Union organiser fails in unfair dismissal bid; and AIRC certifies deal after finding trade union training leave and contractor clauses pertain to the employment relationship.

Woolclassers win casual/base rate catch-up

Woolclassers have won a phased-in increase in their casual loading from 20% to 25% and have caught up on missed safety-net increases following a variation to their federal award by a full bench of the AIRC.

Esso contractors challenge key work and family ruling

Esso's Bass Strait contractors have appealed AIRC member Dominica Whelan's landmark finding that it was against the public interest to terminate their bargaining period because of work and family impacts and Esso's hindrance of genuine bargaining.

News in brief, October 20, 2004

New panels for AIRC; Disciplining firefighters the preserve of legislation, not certified agreement; Fuji technicians escape Big Brother; AWU resolutions fail at BlueScope AGM, but union concerns dominate proceedings; and Garage door installer a contractor, AIRC finds.