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News in brief, November 25, 2004

AMWU wins undertakings over alleged AWA threats; Break bad laws, Johnston urges from prison; ASU accounts show steady membership; BlueScope should look in its own backyard, says union; Ageing population not a crisis, but productivity improvements part of the solution; and Headmaster sacked over porn takes court action.

AIRC to certify first National Rugby League deal

An AIRC full bench said this week that it would certify the first agreement for National Rugby League clubs and players, once several clauses are redrafted to ensure they pertain to the employment relationship and the deal is put to a new ballot.

Suncorp pushes for changes to Electrolux legislation

Suncorp Metway will tell tomorrow's fast-tracked Senate inquiry into the Electrolux Bill that the legislation should be amended to validate agreements that had been negotiated but not certified at the time of the High Court's September 2 ruling on matters pertaining.

$10,000 payout after male-on-male harassment

A male employee who had his bottom and genitals grabbed by one of his employer's male directors has won $10,000 in damages, after a tribunal accepted he had been sexually harassed.

News in brief, November 23, 2004

New award to address manufacturing skill shortages; Worker accused of joining picket wins stress claim; AMWU begins coal camps campaign; Coal battles now on DVD; Hawke to launch Ray Gietzelt memoirs; and Centrelink to cut 175 jobs in Victoria.

ETU staging rolling strikes at Queensland distributors

ETU members at two major depots of Queensland power distributor Energex have walked off the job for 24 hours, as negotiations for a new deal with the trouble-plagued power companies continues.

Virgin supplier makes new deal to accommodate growth

Virgin Blue's fast-growing outsourced baggage and check-in provider at some ports, Aero-Care, has struck a new non-union agreement to provide additional classifications for supervisors.

News in brief, November 22, 2004

Labor IR policy needs radical modernisation, says Latham; Australians working 200 hours a year longer than OECD average, says new paper; and Extra paid maternity leave under Philip Morris deal.