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Bill fails to address Electrolux constraints on bargaining, says independent report

The High Court's interpretation of "matters pertaining" will curtail the benefits flowing from IR deregulation, and it is now up to Parliament to decide whether to remove the post-Electrolux restrictions on the content of agreements by amending the Government’s Electrolux legislation, according to a new Parliamentary Library report.

Super offer discriminatory, but lawful

Queensland's Anti-Discrimination Tribunal has dismissed a claim by two Powerlink Queensland employees that a superannuation offer discriminated against them on the basis of their age.

Security guard wins $91,000 in unfair contract case

A low-paid security guard who was engaged as an independent contractor has used the NSW IRC's s106 unfair contracts jurisdiction - often derided as a playground for high flyers - to win more than $90,000, plus costs, to compensate her for being denied award rates of pay.

ANF to appeal second refusal of agreement certification

The ANF has launched an appeal against the latest ruling to prevent it certifying an agreement for a Swan Hill aged care facility, while in another appeal it is contesting a finding that salary sacrifice arrangements do not pertain to the employment relationship.

Electrolux bill inquiry tabled - but Dems yet to reveal stance

The crucial Democrats' position on the Government's Electrolux Bill won't be revealed until the legislation is debated in the Senate, probably tomorrow, as the Senate inquiry report released this evening contains only the Government and Opposition positions. Meanwhile, two more IR bills are be introduced this week, including the right of entry legislation promised during the election campaign.

Interruption to Workplace Express service

Some Workplace Express subscribers might be experiencing difficulties with accessing articles today. If you are having problems, try depressing the "control" key and simultaneously clicking on "refresh". If this doesn't resolve the problem, try again later. We apologise for any inconvenience and expect normal service to have resumed by this evening. Because of the problems, the links in this email might not work.

Inquiry recommends auditing of pay equity

WA's gender pay equity inquiry has recommended employers conduct pay equity audits and that the State Government establish a pay equity unit to help close the State's 22.6% gender pay gap.

AIRC approves three coal deals, fourth voted up

A deal between BHP Billiton and the CFMEU (mining & energy division) that settled a protracted bargaining dispute in the NSW Illawarra region has been certified by the AIRC, with another BHPB Illawarra coal workforce yesterday voting up its new agreement. The Commission also approved a BHPB Hunter Valley coal deal, and an agreement for a coal loading facility managed by Rio Tinto.

WA IR review urges adoption of non-union agreements

The Ford review of WA's IR legislation recommends introducing a s170LK-style non-union collective agreement stream, a regime of protected industrial action and tighter right of entry provisions.

News in brief, November 26, 2004

Federal Court bench says dismissal claim not excluded; and BIT fails to obtain Victorian Government tender documents.