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News in brief, November 22, 2004

Labor IR policy needs radical modernisation, says Latham; Australians working 200 hours a year longer than OECD average, says new paper; and Extra paid maternity leave under Philip Morris deal.

News in brief, November 19, 2004

AIRC certifies Patrick deals; CFMEU internal struggle heads for court; Goward calls for Howard Government to sign; AMWU Victorian state council wants Addison suspended.

Call centre coverage battles go to AIRC

The AIRC will next month hear one of the two remaining major call centre demarcation battles, with submissions also due in the second matter.

News in brief, November 18, 2004

Contract call centre hearings wrapped up; Report calls for freeze on minimum wage; NSW rail workers take their case to commuters.

NTEU set to get first notch in longer agreements strategy

Wollongong University looks set to become the first university to sign up to the NTEU's new long-life agreement strategy, which is aimed at cushioning the impact of the Coalition's Senate majority.

News in brief, November 17, 2004

Telco to appeal restraint ruling; Wesfarmers decision expected December 15; and Visy seeking s127 orders and s166A certificate against AMWU.

Wages up 3.4% annually; labour shortage not biting yet

Emerging labour shortages are still not showing signs of driving up wage settlements, with the latest ABS data showing pay rates excluding bonuses increased by 3.4% in trend terms in the year to September and just 0.8% in the quarter.