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Tenix seeks to stop AIRC role in AWA dispute

A Victorian employer has appealed against a move by the AIRC to conciliate a dispute over whether employees should be covered by AWAs or a collective agreement.

News in brief, December 22, 2004

Architects introduce eight weeks paid parental leave; and Connor takes over leadership of MEAA Victorian branch.

ALP ignored ACTU, research officer says

The Prime Minister, John Howard, may have "flogged the union bogey mercilessly" during the federal election campaign, but the reality was the ALP under Mark Latham's leadership continued to keep industrial labour out of the policy development loop, according to ACTU senior research officer, Grant Belchamber.

Government has "ambitious" IR agenda, says PM

PM John Howard has rejected a call by the "gang of 20" to establish a wide-ranging inquiry to develop options for further IR change. However, he confirmed the Government is planning to use the corporations power to extend the reach of the federal IR system.

Unions and James Hardie reach a deal

After a long and hard-fought campaign, unions and asbestos groups have today signed a Heads of Agreement with James Hardie that will provide uncapped funding to asbestos victims for at least 40 years.

News in brief, December 20, 2004

Wesfarmers decision delayed – again; Employers can't be forced to negotiate State agreements, says Queensland IRC; Process worker who used chicken as a football refused reinstatement; Childcare rebate brought forward; and Tourism Australia employees vote down non-union deal.

Taskforce fails in FOA case afflicted by "insurmountable difficulties"

In a blow to the Building Industry Taskforce, the Federal Court has thrown out its claim that a head contractor terminated the contract of a subcontractor because he failed to join the CFMEU. The court said that the Taskforce's case faced "apparently insurmountable difficulties".