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News in brief, December 13, 2004

Four-year Holden deal protects workers from Howard IR agenda; Federal Court restrains disability care provider from dismissing workers until March; and Burrow new president of international union peak body.

Salary caps on NSW unfair contracts jurisdiction again under challenge

The NSW Government’s attempts to curb the use of its s106 unfair contracts jurisdiction by high income earners is again under challenge, with the NSW Court of Appeal to hear arguments as to whether the amendments limiting claims to those earning less than $200,000 can operate retrospectively.

News in brief, December 10, 2005

LHMU expels Dick Adams; Taskforce goes after Multiplex, CFMEU and individuals over strike pay; Parliament passes laws ending super reporting obligations; Queensland removes super anomaly; ASU to pay 25% of discrimination case costs; Work and family test case to wrap up next week; and Correction to Auditor General’s costing of ANF claim.

News in brief, December 8, 2004

Sakata workers go back after deal struck with NUW; Shadow IR Minister clarifies stance on AWAs; Collective deals set pay in public sector but individual deals do the job in private sector; Blyth replaces Donnelly as WR Minister Andrews’ chief of staff; and Guide available to gender-specific scholarships legislation.

Court upholds power of Tasmanian Industrial Commission

A full bench of the Tasmanian Supreme Court has upheld the extensive powers of the State's Industrial Commission, in a ruling endorsing the tribunal's order to reinstate 17 meatworkers who had resisted "sham" independent contractor arrangements.