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Costs refused, despite employee's guilty plea to criminal charge

An employer has failed to win costs for an unfair termination case despite a former employee pleading guilty to three charges over conduct for which she was sacked, while in other recent dismissal cases tribunals have refused to accept a resignation letter written by an employer and an employer's dismissal of a sick employee.

Terence Cole gets Australia Day Gong for his building inquiry

Terence Cole, the head of the $65m Building and Construction Industry Royal Commission that handed down its report in 2003, has been awarded an Order of Australia for his contribution to reform of the industry.

Redundant Fairfax printers win extra $20,000

The long-running and costly dispute over the forced redundancy of production and maintenance workers at Fairfax's Spencer Street plant has been resolved, with the employees who lost their jobs receiving an extra $20,000 each.

News in brief, January 25, 2004

Consumer prices growing at 2.6% a year; and CPSU wins right to follow traffic enforcement jobs Kennett Government outsourced to Tenix Solutions.

Parliament launches inquiry into labour hire and independent contracting

A Government-dominated federal parliamentary committee will consider the status of labour hire and independent contracting arrangements, in response to a request by Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews, who promised during last year's election campaign to introduce an Independent Contractors Act.

WA Coalition promises to make EEAs rival AWAs

A Barnett Government in WA will remodel the Gallop Government's individual contracts stream to make it "competitive" with AWAs if it is elected at the February 26 State poll.

11% rise at Harris Scarfe after three years of wage restraint

More than 1,800 Harris Scarfe employees across three states will receive a pay increase of almost 11% over two years, under an enterprise deal the shop union claims "brings home the bacon" after wage restraint helped the retailer trade out of voluntary administration three years ago.

News in brief, January 21, 2005

AWU back in the goldfields; AMMA's Flood moving to labour hire; and Smith won't seek Opposition Leader role.

Construction major breached FOA laws: Federal Court

National construction company Barclay Mowlem unlawfully refused to engage a contractor because it had non-union workers engaged under AWAs and a non-union agreement, the Federal Court has ruled.