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News in brief, December 8, 2004

Sakata workers go back after deal struck with NUW; Shadow IR Minister clarifies stance on AWAs; Collective deals set pay in public sector but individual deals do the job in private sector; Blyth replaces Donnelly as WR Minister Andrews’ chief of staff; and Guide available to gender-specific scholarships legislation.

Court upholds power of Tasmanian Industrial Commission

A full bench of the Tasmanian Supreme Court has upheld the extensive powers of the State's Industrial Commission, in a ruling endorsing the tribunal's order to reinstate 17 meatworkers who had resisted "sham" independent contractor arrangements.

No labour hire award in WA

The WA IRC has rejected a bid by the AWU to make a wide-ranging labour hire industry award.

Smith Family deal to go to vote next week, after AWAs ditched

After initially offering AWAs to employees throughout its Australian operations, The Smith Family has struck a s170LJ certified agreement to cover its 300-plus workers. The deal includes a novel salary packaging arrangement that involves workers returning part of their packaging benefit to the employer.