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Construction major breached FOA laws: Federal Court

National construction company Barclay Mowlem unlawfully refused to engage a contractor because it had non-union workers engaged under AWAs and a non-union agreement, the Federal Court has ruled.

Telstra wins appeal on when wage increases are due

A full bench of the AIRC has quashed a decision on the timing of wage increases paid under five Telstra enterprise agreements - which the CPSU at the time claimed was worth $1.8 million to employees.

Full bench finds salary packaging pertains

In an important decision on post-Electrolux bargaining delivered just before Christmas, a full bench of the AIRC has found that salary sacrificing provisions in an agreement pertain to the employment relationship.

Pregnant flight attendant awarded $25,000 in damages

A senior Qantas flight attendant has been awarded $25,000 in damages after the airline discriminated against her by refusing her access to her accrued sick leave because she was pregnant, not sick.

Union succeeds in new strategy to stymie offshoring

The AMWU has won an interlocutory injunction blocking an employer from sending offshore the work of seven manufacturing employees, after the Federal Court found the company might have discriminated against the workers because of their entitlements under an agreement.