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Approval or refusal the only option: AIRC

The AIRC has ruled that it has no power to allow parties to agreements to withdraw their certification applications, and has instead rejected a deal because it falls foul of Electrolux.

Costello: more individual contracts, wages tied to productivity

Federal Treasurer Peter Costello has outlined his vision for a brave new IR world, with more individual contracts, stripped back awards, “ease of exit” from jobs and productivity-linked wage increases some of the key components.

VTHC develops four-front fight against Canberra

The executive of Victorian Trades Hall Council resolved today to pursue a four-pronged strategy to deal with the barrage of IR legislation expected out of Canberra this year – and to also call on the State Government to take back the IR power it handed the Commonwealth in 2003 if awards are stripped right back.

Help men enter the unpaid workforce: Goward

In the same way that special measures were made available to women seeking to enter the paid workforce, governments could consider ways of helping men enter the unpaid workforce, according to Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Pru Goward.

Ansett pilots win redundancy top-up

About 780 former Ansett pilots have had a win in their long-running battle over entitlements, with the Federal Court finding their severance and redundancy pay should be calculated and paid under a 1991 policy document rather than a later, less generous, certified agreement.

Thumbs up for union rights provisions in major agreement

The AIRC has accepted that a major university agreement with extensive union rights provisions doesn’t fall foul of Electrolux, in a decision sure to be relied on by unions in and outside the tertiary education sector.

HPM offers paid maternity leave, skills retention incentive

Female employees at electrical products manufacturer HPM Industries Pty Ltd are entitled to four weeks paid maternity leave, while workers of retirement age can pocket a special one-off $5000 payment if they pass on their skills via an extended notice period, under the company’s fifth-generation enterprise agreement.

Toyota workers seek 10% a year

Vehicle unions are seeking employer-provided childcare, 12 days paid menstrual leave and 10% annual pay rises in the bargaining claim they've served on Toyota Australia.