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PM announces taskforce to help sell IR changes

Just a week after the Federal Government launched its full-page newspaper advertisements, the Prime Minister, John Howard, has taken the next step in the battle to win public support for his IR proposals - establishing a new taskforce of Coalition members to help sell his message.

News in brief, July 14, 2005

New construction industry body for Victoria; Managers agree to "limited role" for GPS data in disciplinary proceedings; Sacking over sex e-mail upheld

AiGroup challenge to address key common rule issues

The AiGroup is seeking to limit the scope of the common rule declaration in Victoria of a key IT industry award, in a case which may establish new principles for the application of common rule awards in the State.

Independent contractor "rhetoric" raises questions on tax revenue

The Federal Government faces difficulty aligning its "flexibility and freedom" rhetoric on its proposed Independent Contractors Act with its goals of maximising tax revenue and retirement savings, according to leading workplace relations academic Professor Andrew Stewart.

High Court attitude to Coalition plan, "very uncertain"

The approach the High Court might take in dealing with a challenge to the Coalition's IR package is far from certain and may depend on how bold the Government is in trying to cover as many workers as possible, according to leading constitutional academic Professor George Williams.