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AWA variations have to be approved: Federal Court

A full bench Federal Court majority has found that variations to AWAs are unenforceable unless approved by the Employment Advocate, ruling that a Coastwatch pilot who broke her training bond does not have to repay her former employer $16,336.86.

NSW IRC directs gold mine managers to attend conciliation

The NSW IRC has this afternoon directed Newcrest Mining to attend a conciliation conference over a final warning issued to an AWA employee, after the State's appeal court earlier in the day rejected the company's bid to restrain the Commission.

Directions not followed, but bench allows case to proceed

An AIRC full bench has on appeal overturned a decision to reject an unfair dismissal case because the employee's legal representative twice failed to fully comply with the Commission's directions.

News in brief, March 22, 2005

PM says IR changes won't cut real wages; "Caring" employer fends off computer programmer's bias claim; and Foreign exchange expert makes unfair contract claims over sales commissions.

Big changes to minimum wage could cost votes, says Gregory

Labour economist Bob Gregory has highlighted the political perils of substantially changing Australia's minimum wage architecture, saying it would affect not only workers on low wages, but also hundreds of thousands of welfare recipients.

Union membership falls again

The number of union members in Australia has again fallen and the proportion of employees who are in unions has also hit a new low, with private sector density down to 17.4%.