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Government threatens to tie vehicle funding to IR change

The Federal Government has once again threatened to tie vehicle industry assistance to IR reform, putting employers on notice that it expects "significant" change over the next five years.

Transmission still up in the air after High Court ruling

The High Court's decision today in the Gribbles transmission of business case hasn't entirely resolved questions about whether a business transmits when one outsourced service provider replaces another, according to Flinders University Professor of Law, Andrew Stewart.

Newsflash: High Court quashes Amcor, Gribbles

In what will be a huge relief to employers, the High Court has today quashed the crucial Federal Court full bench rulings on transmission of business in Amcor and Gribbles.

Big sanctions start today for unlawful action in construction

Construction unions that take unlawful action from today will face penalties of up to $110,000, uncapped damages and sequestration of their assets, under the enforcement provisions of the Cole Bill, introduced to Parliament this morning.

Cole enforcement provisions to be introduced tomorrow

The Howard Government will tomorrow introduce the retrospective enforcement provisions of the Cole legislative package, in a bid to stop construction unions putting pressure on employers to "go early" and sign new agreements.

Joint union organiser challenging AWU's WA leadership

In a development likely to cause serious internal ructions, the ACTU-backed organiser for the Pilbara, Will Tracey, is understood to be planning to run a ticket against the incumbent AWU WA leadership in the coming state elections.

Westpac doubles paid parental leave to 12 weeks

Westpac says the cost of increasing its paid parental leave to 12 weeks from today will pay off by increasing post-maternal return to work rates from 70% to 80%.

Report finds gender pay gap $150-a-week

More than thirty years after the landmark federal Equal Pay Case, Australian women still earn $150-a-week less than men, and about a third of all working mothers are casuals, a major Victorian Government report on pay equity has found.

News in brief, March 8, 2005

ACTU says Howard Government changing the rules on wage-setting because employers failing to win the argument; Kobelke back for second term as WA's Employment Protection Minister; and Brian Boyd to lead Victorian Trades Hall Council.