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It's evolution, not revolution, says Andrews

The looming federal IR changes are not radical - they're merely a logical evolution of the current system, Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews told a Gold Coast conference today, while the Labor and Democrats IR spokespersons suggested the Government should revise its strategy for achieving a unitary IR system.

Employer faces $9,000 in costs after failing to settle dismissal case

Recent AIRC costs decisions show the dangers of going ahead with unfair dismissal cases that have poor prospects of success, while an AIRC full bench has rejected an Australian Taxation Office employee's bid to have a $19,000 unfair dismissal compensation payment replaced with an order for reinstatement.

Be fair, or it's a war of attrition, ACTU's Combet warns

Unions will declare a war of attrition on the Howard Government and employers if they don't genuinely engage with the labour movement to ensure that any post-July IR change is fair, ACTU leader Greg Combet warned a conference of mining employers yesterday.

AMMA seeks legislative shield for common law individual contracts

The AMMA's new blueprint for IR change has as its centrepiece a new stand-alone Contract of Employment Act that would allow employers to opt out of the IR system and avoid unions if they make common law contracts that comply with a set of less than 10 minimum statutory requirements.

News in brief, Thursday, March 10, 2005

OEA claims AWAs on the rise; NSW IRC rejects Newcrest's stay bid in AWA case; and ALP goes after Government on minimum wage.

Finally, SA's new IR bill gets through Parliament

After 16 months of wrangling, South Australia's IR bill has finally passed though Parliament - watered down by the political process but still containing a swathe of changes that will strengthen the State's safety net.

Government threatens to tie vehicle funding to IR change

The Federal Government has once again threatened to tie vehicle industry assistance to IR reform, putting employers on notice that it expects "significant" change over the next five years.

Transmission still up in the air after High Court ruling

The High Court's decision today in the Gribbles transmission of business case hasn't entirely resolved questions about whether a business transmits when one outsourced service provider replaces another, according to Flinders University Professor of Law, Andrew Stewart.