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3.5% annual pay rise, two years unpaid parental leave at Coles Supermarkets

About 80,000 Coles Supermarkets and Bi-Lo employees have won a 10.45% pay rise over three years and up to two years unpaid parental leave under a new enterprise agreement up for certification today, while Coles Myers' liquor group employees have won an 11.8% pay rise over three years under a separate deal.

Andrews wants to keep pay-setting independent

The Howard Government would continue to allow an independent body to set the minimum wage, but it would prefer that body wasn’t the AIRC, Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews said today.

IR not the main game for further national competition reforms: PC

The Productivity Commission has raised doubts about the wisdom of the Howard Government's unilateral push for a unitary IR system, saying it could remove any scope for "beneficial" competition between federal and state systems.

CPSU accuses DEWR of threatening merit selection through AWAs

In a move the CPSU maintains undermines the "selection by merit" principle that underpins public sector appointments, the DEWR has become the first Commonwealth department to make AWAs a condition of engagement for new employees.

Steel shunter milked employer's compassion for his role as carer: Tribunal

A worker who assaulted a co-worker, crashed his car in an unauthorised area and lied in his pre-employment medical had "milked" his employer's tolerance and compassion for his role as a primary carer, the NSW IRC has found in throwing out his unfair dismissal claim.