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Sex work comments end in lesbian worker losing job, bias claim

Tasmania's Supreme Court has rejected a sex discrimination claim by a social worker who breached her employer's self-disclosure policy by insisting that she tell all clients upfront that she was a lesbian and a sex worker.

Building employers, union defend AIRC

Victorian construction industry employers and the CFMEU have defended the AIRC's involvement in the recent negotiations for a new deal for the sector, saying Vice President Iain Ross - who heads the Commission's construction panel - was "scrupulous" in his approach.

Restructuring won't escape reach of unfair contracts law: NSW Court of Appeal

The NSW Court of Appeal has rejected an attempt by companies within a restructured group to stop the NSW IRC dealing with an unfair contracts claim against them on the basis that they weren't formed or incorporated until after the former employee making the claim had left the group.

VCAT to rehear employee/contractor case

In another case dealing with whether Roy Morgan Research Centre (RMRC) interviewers are researchers or employees, the Supreme Court of Victoria has allowed the company's appeal against a VCAT finding that they were employees.

News in brief, May 4, 2005

CEPU fails to quash official's unfair contract claim; Boeing workers to take more industrial action after stopwork today; AIRC failed to take into account dismissed worker's limited English language skills; and North American employers adopting aggressive "hire to hurt" strategies as labour market tightens.

IR law rollback by Labor would be limited, says Andrews

The prospect of a future Labor Government seizing the opportunity to create an "anti-employer" national IR system is no reason to halt the Government's plans for a unitary system, because experience elsewhere shows any rollback would be modest, according to Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews.