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Contentious construction agreement gets up on second go

The AIRC has certified an agreement between the AWU and a Queensland formwork company, after at first rejecting it when it emerged one of four workers covered hadn't seen the deal, and that none had voted on it.

Budget paves way for Cole's construction watchdog

The Howard Government's 2005 Budget has paved the way for the transition to the construction watchdog recommended by the $65m Cole Royal Commission, with an increase in funding for the Building Industry Taskforce from $9m a year to $23m.

ACCC pursues employer over misleading claims on commission, direct employment

Employers will have to be wary when advertising commission-only jobs, after Wizard Home Loans yesterday conceded it had engaged in misleading conduct in breach of the Trade Practices Act when it made representations to a mobile lending manager that he would earn far more than he ended up taking home.

NSW nurses call off tomorrow's strike

The NSW public hospital nurses strike threatened for tomorrow is off, after both the State Government and the NSW Nurses Association agreed to put their pay dispute in the NSW IRC's hands.

Discrimination briefs, May 9, 2005

VCAT says manager didn't discriminate when he said liked women lighter than 50kg; $45,000 payout to employee one of 179 sex discrimination settlements during 2003-04, says HREOC; and Goward to address age discrimination seminar next Monday.

News in brief, May 9, 2005

Industrial Registrar goes public to correct the record; ABC appeals Barakat ruling; Della positive about prospects of High Court challenge; Telework inquiry submissions close May 27; NSW TAFE teachers to rally in August against plans to link AWAs with funding.

AIRC approves deal that takes employer out of industry fund

The trustee of the Victoria Construction Industry Long Service Leave Fund (CoINVEST) has failed in its bid to win leave to appeal against the certification of a non-union agreement that takes the employer - and its employees - out of the sector's State long service leave scheme.