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Parents who work view it as positive, major study shows

Working parents feel rushed and a substantial number would like to do less hours, but on the whole they believe work has a positive impact on them and, to a lesser degree, on their children, a new major study has shown.

News in brief, May 16, 2005

AIRC resists CEPU push to reinstate 12-hour shifts at Telstra; Federal Court injuncts alleged secondary boycott on Perth construction site; Tribunal upholds sacking of worker who told manager where he'd stick his finger; Otis agreement rejected for imposing terms on labour hire company; and Labor says PM's comments highlight his reluctance to guarantee workers won't be worse off.

Dual IR regulation doesn’t justify urgent legislative change, says McCallum

Dual state and federal IR laws are “not a major handicap” to labour productivity and don’t provide justification for the Federal Government to urgently legislate for a hostile takeover of state systems, Sydney University Dean of Law Ron McCallum told the NSW IR Society Conference in the Blue Mountains today.

Patrick, TWU consider national deal in road transport

The Federal Government may be pushing the virtues of individual and enterprise-based bargaining, but one of Australia's major road transport players, Patrick Corporation, is exploring the option of reverting from site-by-site bargaining to a single national transport deal with the TWU.

Sensis case much ado about very little: Court

A Federal Court full bench has found the AIRC has the power to direct Sensis to allow employees to be represented by a union in bargaining negotiations for a s170LK non-union deal, while two judges have described the employer’s case as “much ado about very little”.

IR on agenda at next COAG meeting

The Prime Minister, John Howard, will discuss the Coalition's IR plans directly with the State Labor Premiers next month.

July pay-day for childcare workers in Victoria, ACT

More than 15,000 childcare workers in Victoria and ACT will on July 1 begin receiving what for many will be the first increment of a significant pay increase, after the AIRC yesterday finalised details of the work value decision it delivered in January.

Wage case parties to make post-Budget submissions

Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews, the ACCI and the ACTU have confirmed they will make written submissions to the AIRC's safety net adjustment full bench next Tuesday – and each of them will argue this week's Budget supports their respective positions.