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Last national wage case: Reaction

The Victorian Trades Hall Council has criticised the AIRC for discriminating against the majority of award-covered employees in the State by delaying the safety net increase by almost two months.

John Holland reaps rewards of recruiting outside construction, says chair

John Holland chair Janet Holmes a Court told the AHRI national convention today that the company had attracted more than 15,000 applicants to its employment website, after an advertising campaign that sought to attract workers from outside the construction industry for a massive road project.

Final wage case ruling tomorrow?

The AIRC will tomorrow hand down what might be its last national wage case decision, as the Howard Government prepares to hand fixation of minimum rates to the proposed Australian Fair Pay Commission.

COAG meeting underway

ALP premiers meeting in Canberra now with the Prime Minister, John Howard, say they expect IR - the most divisive item on today's COAG agenda - to be dealt with fairly quickly, with an agreement to disagree.