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High Court challenge likely, but Government in strong position

The announcement yesterday of the Howard Government's plans for a federal takeover of state IR has revived talk about a High Court challenge by unions and the states, but no-one, even among the potential challengers, is bullish about the chances of overturning a unitary system based on the corporations power.

Howard unveils radical second wave

The Prime Minister, John Howard, has today moved towards realising his long-held ambition to radically deregulate Australia's industrial relations system, announcing a series of measures in the Coalition's second wave of IR reform - including gutting the AIRC, lowering the benchmark for all agreement-making and removing the majority of employees' unfair dismissal entitlement - that goes even further than anticipated.

Queensland power allowances don't breach equal pay onus, says IRC

Queensland's IRC won't be prohibited from certifying agreements that contain generous attraction and retention allowances for the male-dominated technical workforce in the State's stricken power industry, after a full bench found the provisions didn't fall foul of pay equity requirements.

Johnston free on Thursday

Former AMWU Victorian branch secretary, Craig Johnston, gets out of jail on Thursday, after completing his nine-month sentence.

NSW police to vote on 16% deal, while NSW IRC recommends 14% for nurses

NSW's 14,400 police officers will begin voting soon on a new agreement with the State Government that provides a 16% wage increase over its four-year term plus death and disability insurance, while the states' 28,000 public sector nurses will receive 14% over the next 3.5 years after their pay dispute with the Government was put in the hands of the NSW IRC.

Howard to reveal all on IR on Thursday

The Prime Minister, John Howard, will on Thursday make public the details of the Federal Government's IR agenda, after it was endorsed last night by Cabinet.