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No move to 40 hours, says Howard

PM John Howard has today ruled out increasing standard weekly working hours to 40 a week, while Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews says his second wave IR legislation will simplify minimum requirements for AWAs so much that they could be as short as one page.

Goward pushes for new gender division of labour

The "double shift" borne by women who combine paid work with a disproportionate amount of domestic tasks is likely to become a "triple shift" as they have to also take on elder care, Sex Discrimination Commission Pru Goward warned today as she launched a new discussion paper on better sharing of paid and unpaid work between men and women.

ACTU to continue with TV ads; rejects Andrews' criticism

The ACTU today, in response to criticism from Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews, said it wouldn't be withdrawing its television commercials that seek to highlight the potential effects of the Federal Government's second wave IR plans on employees, while it labelled the Minister a hypocrite for allegedly breaching workplace laws in his own department.

Academics slam Federal Government's IR proposals; Howard and Beazley say IR is top priority

A report card by 17 leading academics and researchers on the Federal Government's proposed second wave or IR change has concluded that it has not only failed to address Australia's critical labour market problems but it will undermine employees' rights at work, deliver one-way flexibility, do nothing to increase productivity, and disadvantage the most marginalised workers.

Telstra sell-off and second wave triggers unions' wage trade-off

Around 30,000 Telstra employees will vote in coming weeks on a proposed new enterprise agreement that restricts annual wage rises to 2.5%, but locks in generous public sector conditions ahead of the planned full privatisation of the telco.

ACTU launches $8m advertising campaign against second wave

Television advertisements against the Howard Government’s second wave IR changes begin screening nationally today, in the first stage of an unprecedented $8 million media campaign commissioned by the ACTU.

Federal Court to hear coal AWA battle

In a battle that was once common in coal mining but has become increasingly rare, the CFMEU (mining & energy division) and one of the coal giants - this time Xstrata Coal - are squaring off over the company's bid to introduce AWAs at one of its sites.

News in brief, June 17, 2005

Construction majors sign Victorian template deal; and RAAF discriminated against officer because of his age, says HREOC report;