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NSW now waits on DEWR, while Qld ends, and WA begins, go-early campaigns

With the CFMEU (construction division) in Victoria ready to start signing employers up to its new DEWR-endorsed deal, the Queensland building unions have abandoned their bid to go early, the CFMEU in WA has finally served its go-early claim, and the NSW MBA is still waiting for confirmation that the two agreements the CFMEU has put out are code-compliant.

News in brief, June 9, 2005

Metals award most likely to stymie management, says IPA; Australia elected to ILO governing body; Nurses blame Working Women’s Centre closure on federal funds freeze; AWAs paying non-managers 2% less than certified agreements, says academic; and Senate committee says Cole legislation should be passed without amendment.

Unfair dismissal exemptions raise anomalies; Government's arguments are propaganda, says Murray

While unions are confident of being able to retain unfair dismissal protection at organised sites via bargaining, one of the ironies to emerge from the Coalition's planned radical expansion of its unfair dismissal exemption is that many genuinely small businesses - which were behind the exemption move in the first place - will still be caught by state laws because they are unincorporated.

Victorian construction deal code-compliant, says DEWR

The DEWR has told Victorian builders their 2005-08 pattern agreement complies with its construction code of practice, but Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews is warning employers to be wary, reminding them he is preparing to shift the code goalposts.

Last national wage case: Reaction

The Victorian Trades Hall Council has criticised the AIRC for discriminating against the majority of award-covered employees in the State by delaying the safety net increase by almost two months.