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Independent contractor "rhetoric" raises questions on tax revenue

The Federal Government faces difficulty aligning its "flexibility and freedom" rhetoric on its proposed Independent Contractors Act with its goals of maximising tax revenue and retirement savings, according to leading workplace relations academic Professor Andrew Stewart.

High Court attitude to Coalition plan, "very uncertain"

The approach the High Court might take in dealing with a challenge to the Coalition's IR package is far from certain and may depend on how bold the Government is in trying to cover as many workers as possible, according to leading constitutional academic Professor George Williams.

Tougher construction Code to require prior compliance for tenderers: Andrews

Federal WR Minister Kevin Andrews today announced changes to the Government's construction industry Code that will require contractors for Commonwealth building work to be Code-compliant before submitting tenders and to ensure all their new projects are Code-compliant, even on non-Government jobs.

SA Government wins public service pay battle

The South Australian Government has won its pay battle with the PSA, after the SA IRC accepted nearly all the Government's submissions in an arbitrated award covering the State's 27,000 public servants.

Andrews to outline construction industry reforms

The CFMEU and building industry employers are tomorrow expected to find out if the Federal Government has moved the goal posts on the sector's code of conduct when Workplace Relations Minister, Kevin Andrews, outlines his construction industry reforms.

ACTU second wave campaign to go bush

The ACTU will target rural and regional areas in the next stage of its campaign against the Howard Government's second wave reforms.

ACCI seeks meetings with church leaders

The ACCI has written to church leaders in Australia seeking meetings to discuss the Howard Government's proposed IR changes, saying those involved in public debate should "avoid being misled" by unions.

Culture battle the most important: Howard

The Prime Minister, John Howard, maintains the growth of the "enterprise worker" has been the most important economic development in Australia in the last two decades, and says it is "attitude of mind" that separates them from the rest.