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ACTU second wave campaign to go bush

The ACTU will target rural and regional areas in the next stage of its campaign against the Howard Government's second wave reforms.

ACCI seeks meetings with church leaders

The ACCI has written to church leaders in Australia seeking meetings to discuss the Howard Government's proposed IR changes, saying those involved in public debate should "avoid being misled" by unions.

Culture battle the most important: Howard

The Prime Minister, John Howard, maintains the growth of the "enterprise worker" has been the most important economic development in Australia in the last two decades, and says it is "attitude of mind" that separates them from the rest.

News in brief July 11, 2005

AIRC conditionally approves consolidated NSW rail EBA with 12% pay rise; ACTU plans next stage of second wave campaign; Govt IR ad campaign underway.

Employers still ignoring retention: study

Despite the tight labour market, most employers are still only paying lip service to efforts to retain existing employees, and are focussing their expenditure on attracting new staff, according to new research.

Coalition backbenchers playing hard to get

The SDA is among the unions taking up the ACTU's call to lobby Coalition backbenchers in marginal seats against the proposed federal IR changes. But it is coming up against a potential snag in the plan - appointments are proving hard to come by.

News in brief July 8, 2005

SA school holiday hiatus in teachers' industrial action; Redundancy unfair despite "rigorous and inclusive" assessment; Nestle agrees to higher redundancy for rural workers.

DEWR management, CPSU, meet again this afternoon

As the Federal Government prepares to run-full page newspaper ads from tomorrow to counter the negative public reaction to its IR platform, unions and the Coalition continue to seize on the on-going battle in Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews' own department to support their case against the reforms.