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Work Choices bodes ill for low paid: former Kierath adviser

Low-paid workers are likely to be worse off under the Work Choices legislation, while it is unlikely to generate significant employment growth, according to the architect of the Court Government's wage-fixing system, which reduced WA minimum pay to significantly below the federal award benchmark.

Workers will need to routinely obtain medical certificate: ACTU

Employees will have to routinely seek a medical certificate from a doctor every time they are absent from work on sick or carer's leave - incurring significant costs if bulk billing is unavailable - because there is no provision in the Work Choices legislation for obtaining a certificate afterwards, the ACTU told the Senate inquiry into the bill today.

Right to request provisions finalised

The AIRC has prescribed the notice periods required for employees seeking to use the new rights established in this year's work and family test case, after it issued final orders to give effect to the ruling. However, it could be just weeks before the Howard Government's Work Choices scraps the new regime.

Pay growth reaches new seven-year high

The ABS Labour Price Index, released today, shows annual wage growth across the economy has hit 4.2% in trend terms, the highest level since 1998, while private sector growth has reached a new record of 4%.

Awards vital to maintain level playing field, says employer body

The Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce has appealed to the Howard Government to maintain its federal awards, saying they provide a level playing field that ensures employers in its industry don't undercut each other on wages.

ACCI defends AFPC, predicts states will refer IR powers

The ACCI has told the Senate inquiry into the Work Choices legislation that it would argue in future minimum wage fixing cases under the Fair Pay Commission for "less focus on comparativism and reduced scope for unions to attempt to have safety net wages pursue redistributive functions".

To incorporate, or not to incorporate - or both: NFF

The NFF will advise larger farms to consider incorporating part of their business for employment purposes, but keep the rest unincorporated for tax reasons, the farmers' organisation told the Senate inquiry into Work Choices today.

Unions promise campaign of civil disobedience against second wave

ACTU secretary Greg Combet has promised a campaign of civil disobedience as part of a new "movement for change" against the Howard Government, as hundreds of thousands of people attended union rallies today against the Work Choices legislation.

AiG uncovers Work Choices provisions that disadvantage employers

The Work Choices legislation should be amended to reduce its overly generous sick/carers leave provisions and to restrict access to the new default provision of five weeks annual leave for shiftworkers, the Australian Industry Group told the Senate inquiry into the bill today.