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AIRC finds labour hire clause doesn't pertain

The AIRC has knocked-out as not pertaining a labour hire provision in a foundry agreement and raised questions about whether a jump-up clause requiring site rates for labour hire workers also falls foul of Electrolux.

News in brief July 19, 2005

Nurses tell QNU to focus on wages, workloads, skills and violence; ASU triples maternity leave at AGL SA; Government wins costs for failed unfair dismissal case; Qld to legislate next month to block second wave; Government ads provide no detail: Smith

News in brief, Friday, July 15, 2005

TWU uses safety to protect contractors; Taskforce won't help, says Opposition; LHMU forms alliance with US union; and ABS data shows individual deals at 39.1%.

AIRC finds no dispute between CFMEU and explosives company

A full bench of the AIRC has upheld an explosive company's appeal against an earlier finding that a despute existed between it and the CFMEU (mining and energy division), ruling the company's employees were not eligible to be the union's members even though some of them did explosives work on coal mining sites.