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DEWR and CPSU finally reach a deal

Eight months after their last agreement expired and following a spate of industrial action in a politically-charged environment, DEWR and the CPSU have struck an in-principle agreement on their next three-year deal.

Directors liable for breach of trade practices law in employment case

The impact of trade practices law in employment matters continues to expand, with the WA Supreme Court finding three executives of an AFL club were accessories to a breach of the Trade Practices Act when they misled an assistant coach in negotiations for his job.

Employer ordered to pay $1,000 for "bear hug"

An employer has been ordered to pay $1,000 damages to a former colleague over a "bear hug", after the NSW Administrative Decisions Tribunal found it constituted sexual harassment under the State's Anti-Discrimination Act.

Market-centered workplace policies not looking after families: Fielding

Family First Senator Steve Fielding has used his first speech to Parliament to throw down the gauntlet to the Howard Government on IR, saying it is time for the Government to start delivering family-friendly rather than market-friendly workplace policies.

Legislation sets up watchdog over construction industry

Amendments introduced to Parliament last night set up the powerful watchdog over the construction industry that has the power to imprison industry participants who refuse to come to heel and impose heavy sanctions for unlawful activity in the sector, but jettisons a key provision - the outlawing of pattern bargaining.

News in brief, August 9, 2005

Howard Government engaging in “fiction” with claims unfair dismissal bill rejected 40 times, says independent report; ACTU planning national community-based protest on October 25; Employers increasingly using non-wage benefits to attract workers, says RBA; Court says there are limits to labour suppliers' OHS responsibilities; PM's favoured academic says social policy favouring working women over homemakers; New primer on the child care tax rebate; and Della Bosca asks NSW IRC to flow on federal work and family test case ruling.

IR dominates Parliament's first day back

The Opposition has used Parliament's first day back after the winter break to exploit the confusion the Federal Government has created over its second wave laws, drawing different answers to the same question on minimum conditions from the Prime Minister, John Howard, and his new Deputy, Mark Vaile.

New Cole bill likely to be slimmed down version of original

With the Federal Government's sweeping second-wave proposals encompassing key planks of its original Cole-based bill, the construction industry legislation due to be introduced into Parliament this week is expected to be a slimmed down version of the November 2003 legislation.