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News in brief, Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Productivity Commission to report on population impact on productivity; Combet says workers' rights are not "charity"; Australian unions in PNG; and QBuild workers to vote on strike action.

Appeal Court clarifies when unfair contract exclusion provision applies

Workers earning $200,000 a year have been excluded from making unfair contract claims in the NSW IRC since June 24, 2002, the State Court of Appeal has found in an important ruling that upholds the correctness of the Commission's landmark Aveling judgment.

New Senator cautious on second wave IR changes

Queensland Nationals Senator Barnaby Joyce expects to gain strong guidance on his party's second wave IR stance from the organisation's state conference, which begins in earnest on Friday in Brisbane.

Government satisfied with IR progress in vehicle industry

With Australia's vehicle industry facing further major disruption next week as a result of a dispute at Pilkington Automotive, it today received some welcome positive news from the Federal Government.

Victorian underworld threats result in AIRC action

The AIRC got a glimpse of Victoria's murky underworld recently following a dispute over an expenses claim by a special operations police officer who moved house after a known criminal with a violent history got hold of his personal details.

ALP/ACTU flag High Court injunction on Government's IR ads

The ALP and ACTU have threatened a High Court challenge to the Federal Government's multi-million dollar IR advertising campaign if the Coalition cannot show the expenditure has been properly authorised.

News in brief, July 21, 2005

No future in cutting wages and conditions, says AIG head; Fielding warns Howard not to erode conditions or make life harder for working families; ALP bill seeks to curb political advertising; Andrews says ACTU, ALP lying over holidays; Workforce participation of mature women up from 27% to 56% in 20 years; Disability pensioners double over 20 years; Federal parliamentarians setting the pace on pay; No need for fundamental IR change, says Keating; NZ incomes, employment and labour productivity went backwards after radical IR changes, says academic; and New job site for OHS specialists.