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WA Nationals urge moderation in second wave changes

The National Party's West Australian branch has urged the Federal Government to take a cautious approach to its second wave IR changes, particularly its planned exemptions from unfair dismissal laws.

Howard redefines small business, as ACTU ramps up campaign

PM John Howard has defended the proposed new 100-employee threshold for unfair dismissal claims, saying the Coalition never identified a particular number during last year's election campaign, while the ACTU has today launched a booklet that highlights the unfair dismissal experiences of employees working in companies with fewer than 100 workers.

Rail union halts Pacific National services

Pacific National unions have brought the company's operations almost to a standstill, after starting a 24-hour strike this morning over stalled bargaining negotiations.

News in brief, August 11, 2005

Cole Bill passes Lower House, redundancy bill on next week; Andrews conflict between public and policy positions on long service, tells OEA to be careful; Queensland introduces minimum conditions legislation; HEWRR legislation referred to Senate Committee; Rally for sacked AWA worker; and Howard defends Boeing's refusal to negotiate collective agreement.