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Beazley shifts on AWAs, attacks Howard's IR policies

Just six weeks after saying that the ALP's policy on scrapping AWAs was unchanged, Opposition Leader Kim Beazley today told journalists that "we are going to abolish the capacity of Australian Workplace Agreements to undermine collective awards".

ACTU and ALP fail to halt $20m ad campaign

The High Court has today refused on technical grounds to issue an interlocutory injunction to stop the Howard Government continuing its spending on a $20 million advertising campaign to promote its second wave IR changes.

DEWR gives final tick to Victorian deal, CFMEU says NSW deal code compliant

The Victorian construction industry's go-early agreement has today been ticked off by DEWR as code compliant, while the CFMEU (NSW branch) has redrafted its latest pattern deal to address DEWR-identified breaches. In both states, the agreements retain provisions that the department warns "may cause breaches through their practical application".

News in brief, July 27, 2005

Inflation edges up to 2.5%; Family First raises concerns about adequacy of proposed new minimum standards; Craig Johnston now a CFMEU site delegate; Poll shows public opposed to dismissal changes; Nelson seeks feedback on $83m incentive package for workplace change in tertiary education; Textile union says prosecutions could be hampered by second wave; and One in five workers believes they could use sick leave to care for ill pets.