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Court troubled over 15-year-old's substandard AWA

As the Howard Government prepares to hand approval of all AWAs and agreements to the OEA, a court has raised doubts about its application of the no disadvantage test, saying it was "troubling" that more than 50 AWAs had been approved in the same terms as one that paid an Adelaide school student 25% less than her minimum award entitlement.

Blair Athol battle finally over, as Rio Tinto and CFMEU reach settlement

Seven years after they were blacklisted then sacked, the 16 Blair Athol coal miners at the heart of one of the bitter coal battles of the late 1990s are set to be compensated under a settlement reached between Rio Tinto and the CFMEU (mining & energy division).

News in brief, August 4, 2005

CFMEU seeks long service commitment from Howard; State IR Ministers to finally meet Andrews; and Opposition criticises Government's advertising agenda