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News in brief, August 17, 2005

High Court reserves on SA police dismissal case, rejects two special leave bids; LHMU targets building manager over cuts to cleaning contract; New job for Farrell; and New officeholders for NSW IR Society.

Take contractors out of industrial regulation, says inquiry

As the Howard Government moves toward drafting its independent contractor legislation, a new inquiry report by a Government-dominated Lower House committee has recommended contractors be regulated as commercial entities outside the traditional IR system, while the labour hire sector should be subject to a voluntary industry code of practice.

Andrews backs away from Senate inquiry, ponders OWS ramp-up

Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews has backed away from his call for a Senate inquiry into the second wave IR legislation after the Prime Minister and Liberal Senator George Brandis refused to support the proposal.

Economy-wide wage growth reaches 4%, as labour shortages bite

New ABS data released today appears to confirm that labour shortages are driving up wages, with trend rates of pay excluding bonuses increasing by 1.1% in the June quarter and 4% in the year to June - a new annual record.

News in brief, August 16, 2005

Taskforce fails in bid to have CFMEU official's permit revoked; Safety net increases flowed-on in Queensland, SA; and AiG warns Government against bowing to pressure, calls for fair workplaces.

AIRC approves new coverage deal for Forstaff

The AIRC has approved a rule change it recommended for the Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association to formalise its coverage of nearly all workers employed by Forstaff at Qantas's maintenance facility at Avalon, near Melbourne.