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Farm organisations should embrace unions, says farming think tank

It's time for farmers' organisations to form a pact with unions with a view to boosting the skills and productivity of the rural workforce and moving away from the "cycle of low pay" that is hampering the sector's development, according to a farming think tank.

News in brief, Thursday, August 18, 2005

Reinstatement order stands in redundancy decision; Government IR ad bill $5 million so far, says ALP; SA teachers put revised deal to government; and ACTU calls for AWA ban for young workers.

Second-wave regulation complex and partisan: Academic

The Federal Government's second-wave IR proposals will not, as the Prime Minister promised, end "the era of the select few making decisions for the many". Rather, it will result in a highly complex system of partisan regulation hard to match in the industrialised world, according to an article in the latest Australian Bulletin of Labour.

Inquiry opens up new front in second wave battle

The Senate inquiry into workplace agreements looks set to inflict a new round of damage on the Howard Government over its' second wave IR agenda, with academic Professor Andrew Stewart highly critical of the OEA's approval processes and young employees testifying of their award entitlements being undercut by AWAs.

News in brief, August 17, 2005

High Court reserves on SA police dismissal case, rejects two special leave bids; LHMU targets building manager over cuts to cleaning contract; New job for Farrell; and New officeholders for NSW IR Society.

Take contractors out of industrial regulation, says inquiry

As the Howard Government moves toward drafting its independent contractor legislation, a new inquiry report by a Government-dominated Lower House committee has recommended contractors be regulated as commercial entities outside the traditional IR system, while the labour hire sector should be subject to a voluntary industry code of practice.

Andrews backs away from Senate inquiry, ponders OWS ramp-up

Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews has backed away from his call for a Senate inquiry into the second wave IR legislation after the Prime Minister and Liberal Senator George Brandis refused to support the proposal.

Economy-wide wage growth reaches 4%, as labour shortages bite

New ABS data released today appears to confirm that labour shortages are driving up wages, with trend rates of pay excluding bonuses increasing by 1.1% in the June quarter and 4% in the year to June - a new annual record.

News in brief, August 16, 2005

Taskforce fails in bid to have CFMEU official's permit revoked; Safety net increases flowed-on in Queensland, SA; and AiG warns Government against bowing to pressure, calls for fair workplaces.