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ACTU plans $24 million campaign against second wave

Unions are planning to levy all members an additional fee of $5.50 a year for the next two years to provide $24 million for their campaign against the Federal Government's second wave IR changes.

News in brief, August 24, 2005

Court awards indemnity costs against Saizeriya; and Minister’s NZ comments reveal Howard Government’s true second wave IR agenda, says Labor.

AIRC stops industrial action at car parts manufacturer

In a narrow interpretation of the Emwest principles, the AIRC today issued a s127 order stopping the AMWU from taking industrial action at car parts maker Trico, finding the union exceeded the bounds of a reserve clause in its enterprise agreement.

AIRC pregnancy ruling timely as debate over unfair/unlawful sacking continues

In a case that demonstrates that unlawfully dismissed employees of small to medium sized businesses can win justice via the AIRC's unfair dismissal jurisdiction without having to pursue an unlawful dismissal action in the courts, a pharmacy assistant sacked due to her pregnancy has been reinstated.

Blue flu red hot political issue in WA

It's an unusual compulsory conference if the employers aren't invited, but that was the case yesterday when the WA Employment Minister, John Kobelke, had the state branch of the CFMEU (construction division) and Unions WA before the State IRC, citing their alleged use of, or support for, the blue flu.

Combet calls for majority rules approach to collective bargaining

ACTU secretary Greg Combet today drew on the Federal Government commitment to "choice" in agreement-making to call for the introduction of a collective bargaining right at Australian workplaces where the majority of employees wanted a collective deal - similar to rights already in place in the UK, Canada, and the US.

New Victorian IR watchdog to guard against bare bones deals

Victorian Premier Steve Bracks has today announced a new workplace watchdog to advise and protect workers in the State who are considering signing individual and collective deals under the Howard Government's proposed deregulated agreement-making regime.

Court bars broadcasting of alleged pregnancy-related sacking

A WA court has found it is not in the public interest for a commercial television station to dramatise the Howard Government's second wave IR changes by airing a covert recording of an employer allegedly explaining that he sacked an employee due to her pregnancy.