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Murdoch deal pays 7.5% over two years and shields workers from second wave

Some 1,500 journalists and photographers working on metropolitan daily newspapers for Rupert Murdoch's News Limited will have their conditions protected from the Howard Government's second wave IR changes and receive a 7.5% pay rise over two years, under an agreement certified by the AIRC today.

New deal for Jetstar pilots extends coverage across Tasman

The AIRC on Friday certified a new three-year non-union agreement for pilots and first officers employed by Qantas subsidiary Jetstar that pays a 3% annual increase and extends coverage to the new base in Christchurch, New Zealand.

News in brief, September 30, 2005

ABCC opens for business on Monday; Preference move a blow to CPSU leadership team; Less than 150 unlawful dismissal claims in 2003-04; Function centre says AWA’s benefits lie in training; and Andrews to appear on Insiders program on Sunday.

Casual part-time women earn 10% less than permanents: research

Female part-time casual workers are poorly paid for their occupational status compared to their permanent equivalents, earning about 10% less than women in part-time permanent employment, according to a new research paper.

New efficiency record on Adelaide waterfront, but past peak elsewhere

Productivity on the Adelaide docks reached a new high of more than 30 container movements an hour in the June quarter, while in other ports productivity reached a plateau between 2001 and 2004, according to the Bureau of Transport and Regional Economics.