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Workchoices makes agenda clear: Cripple awards and outlaw strikes in essential services

Prime Minister John Howard and Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews yesterday revealed the steps they had taken to respond to concerns raised over their May IR policy announcement. But their WorkChoices booklet also makes it clear that the second-wave laws will go even further in some areas than first thought, including by extending the unfair dismissal exemption to redundancies; limiting what can be included in agreements; further reducing awards' relevance; and outlawing strikes in essential services.

Industry, not union, negotiated forestry deal: Smith

The national secretary of the CFMEU's forestry division, Trevor Smith, has defended as above-board the $4m training package the Prime Minister committed to on the eve of last year's federal election, and said it was negotiated by industry, not the union.

AIRC upholds sacking of "touchy-feely guy" for harassment

A self-confessed "touchy-feely guy" has failed to overturn his dismissal for sexually harassing male and female employees he supervised at a Victorian Government juvenile justice facility, but his employer hasn’t got off scot-free, with the AIRC recommending it remedy a pervasive inappropriate culture.

Groundhog Day as Victorian construction deal revisions finalised again

Parties to the Victorian construction template agreement have completed revisions to bring it into line with the latest changes to the implementation guidelines for the national construction code, while the ABCC has begun a recruitment campaign to move it towards full operational strength.

Government defeats Family First bid for overtime/penalties inquiry

The Prime Minister welcomed him to Canberra as a fellow Conservative traveller, but today the Federal Government used its Senate majority to defeat a bid by Family First Senator Steve Fielding to establish a Senate inquiry into overtime and penalty rate issues.

ACTU to meet IMF over "reckless" report

ACTU President Sharan Burrow will this afternoon in Washington meet the head of the IMF to follow up a letter of complaint the union movement made to the Fund over its support for the Federal Government's second-wave IR plans.