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News in brief, October 12, 2005

Federal Court fines Multiplex $4,000 over strike pay; Howard denies misleading over WorkChoice protections, defends ad campaign; and "Low to moderate" CPSU industrial action allowed to continue at Centrelink.

Unions barred from market for bargaining services

Unions will be barred from representing small businesses in collective bargaining after the passage last night of amendments to the Trade Practices Act, while there have also been developments in other workplace-related legislation.

PM lied over public holiday protection: ACTU

The ACTU has accused Prime Minister John Howard of lying about protecting public holidays and other conditions, after Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews today confirmed that public holidays such as Anzac Day could be bargained away under the government's second wave changes.

Harsh new sanctions for abuse of entry rights under second wave

Unions that engage in "systematic abuse" of their entry rights will face severe new sanctions, including revocation of permits for the entire union, according to the Howard Government's WorkChoices blueprint for its second wave IR change agenda. The Government also plans big reductions in the number of awards, and substantial re-working of transmission of business and freedom of association provisions.