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No s496 orders yet, after third bid to halt industrial action under new laws

Employers seeking the new s496 orders to halt industrial action where unions claim employees are acting without authorisation look likely to seek to rely on the Federal Court's recent CFMEU v Clarke ruling, after the AIRC today heard its third application under the new provisions.

News in brief, April 4, 2006

SA Unions challenge to apprentice sackings; and Tasmanian IRC reserves on minimum wage case proceedings.

Discrimination allegations hold up certification of Qantas cabin crew deal

In a case that could have implications for rostering across a range of industries, two Qantas flight attendants with caring responsibilities have intervened in the certification hearing for the new Qantas short haul cabin crew agreement, arguing it shouldn't be approved because it is discriminatory.

Cowra abattoir becomes Work Choices battleground

ACTU secretary Greg Combet and the lawyer who used the old Workplace Relations Act to stymie the mass retrenchment of Patrick's wharfies have today pointed to the Cowra abattoir case as an example of the perils facing workers employed by companies intent on installing a cheaper replacement workforce.

News in brief, March 31, 2006

Minister's AWA statement misleading, says CPSU; IR hurting Coalition, brawling hurting ALP, poll finds; AIRC joins Federal Government as Jackson Wells Morris client; and Five more years on Reserve Bank board for waterfront warrior.