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Workchoices Update, October 31, 2005

Living wage proceeding put back a day; ACCI seeks to head off threats to national IR system; BCA says its second wave advertising campaign won't cost more than $10m; NSW Government funds radio and print campaign against second wave; PM says second wave "big, but fair"; and Howard's IR plans too market-oriented, says Beazley.

IMF stands by support for second-wave

The IMF has stood by its support for the Federal Government's proposed IR changes, rejecting union criticism that its September report on Australia was "uncritical", in a letter yesterday to ACTU president Sharan Burrow.

News in brief, October 28, 2005

Andrews confirms workplace laws completely rewritten; Unions NSW commissions family impact statement on second wave laws; Victoria sets up workplace rights watchdog; Chaney new head of BCA; and Employer gets off after paying striking workers.

O'Callaghan to awards taskforce, Dalgleish to ABCC

AIRC Senior Deputy President Matthew O'Callaghan will head up the Federal Government's Award Review Taskforce, while barrister Ross Dalgleish - who took part in the NSW building industry Royal Commission - will be the second Deputy Commissioner of the ABCC, Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews announced today.

CFMEU's McDonald fails to re-gain entry permit

The AIRC has today refused to issue a new federal entry permit to CFMEU (construction division) WA branch assistant secretary Joe McDonald, who had his previous permit revoked for a minimum of 12 months in 2001.

News in brief, October 27, 2005

Opposition to release IR blueprint in 2006, says Beazley; Industrial agreements inquiry on track to report on Monday; Victorian Government report highlights benefits of "quality" part-time work; Independent Contractors Act to override state employment law, says IPA; Discrimination tribunal allows employer to discriminate in favour of candidates with a history of mental illness; and International labour law conference heading for Australia in 2009.

Government's IR agenda compromises public service values: CPSU

The Federal Government's second-wave IR changes compromise public service values, are aimed at deunionising the workforce, and far, from offering workers' choice, will lead to more pro forma AWAs with non-negotiable terms and conditions, according to the CPSU's assistant national secretary, Stephen Jones.