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News in brief, November 25, 2005

Boeing Williamtown workers win a secret ballot on whether they favour individual or collective arrangements; and Vale John Ducker.

NSW seeks to change s106, as federal takeover looms

Despite the imminent federal overriding of the NSW IRC's unfair contracts jurisdiction for many work-related claims, the Iemma Government has introduced legislation to counteract recent court decisions that have limited the operation of the laws.

Government setting up ADR register

The Federal Government is in the process of establishing a register of private alternative dispute resolution providers for use under the Work Choices legislation, the Attorney-General, Phillip Ruddock, said this week.

Private hospital takes out work and family award

A Brisbane private hospital that provides on-site child care, up to 12 weeks maternity leave and a week’s extra annual leave for night-shift workers has won this year’s work and family award for large employers.

Queensland Nationals call on federal senators to reject Work Choices

Queensland National politicians have this afternoon upped the pressure on the federal Coalition to consider amendments to its Work Choices legislation, crossing the floor to back a Beattie Government motion that all Queensland Senators reject the bill when it comes before them next week.

Population ageing starts now, says DEWR study

The effect of the ageing workforce will start to bite in the next five years, with 195,000 fewer workers available in 2010 than there otherwise would have been, according to new research commissioned by DEWR.

News in brief, November 23, 2005

Beazley warns cuts in hospitality pay rates will leave workers relying on tips as Senator Joyce calls for penalty rate changes; BCA begins latest phase of its advertising campaign; HR management crucial in a pandemic; Productivity stalls on docks, but new investment to provide boost, says ACCC; Report debunks generational differences in the workplace; Australian employers failing to provide performance management training; and Recruitment company recognised as top employer for mature age workers.