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Population ageing starts now, says DEWR study

The effect of the ageing workforce will start to bite in the next five years, with 195,000 fewer workers available in 2010 than there otherwise would have been, according to new research commissioned by DEWR.

News in brief, November 23, 2005

Beazley warns cuts in hospitality pay rates will leave workers relying on tips as Senator Joyce calls for penalty rate changes; BCA begins latest phase of its advertising campaign; HR management crucial in a pandemic; Productivity stalls on docks, but new investment to provide boost, says ACCC; Report debunks generational differences in the workplace; Australian employers failing to provide performance management training; and Recruitment company recognised as top employer for mature age workers.

Court orders compensation for failing to provide light duties to pregnant woman

An employer that failed to provide light duties to a heavily pregnant employee has been ordered to pay her $7,500 in compensation, while in a separate case, an anti-discrimination tribunal has refused to grant an exemption to allow a Baptist Church agency to only employ people with certain Christian beliefs.

WorkChoices an assault on the nation's institutions, say Democrats

The radical Work Choices bill is an unjustified assault on the cultural, economic, social, institutional, legal, political and constitutional underpinnings of work in Australia, according to the Democrats, while the Greens say it fails the Government's own benchmark of fairness, simplicity and choice.

Government senators lack courage, says Smith

Shadow IR Minister, Stephen Smith, today said the Senate was doing on IR what it did with the Telstra sale - acting as a "rubber stamp" for the Government.

Employers should prepare for bird flu now, say experts

Employers should be preparing their management strategies now for workplace absence rates as high as 50% if a bird flu pandemic occurs in Australia, according to leading researchers and academics at an Australian Industry Group conference this morning.

Work Choices too flawed to bother amending: Labor

The Work Choices legislation is so flawed that any amendments would "only marginally mitigated the intended and unintended consequences", according to the report on the bill by Opposition senators.

Coalition senators propose only minor changes to Work Choices

Coalition senators have, as expected, proposed changes around the edges only to the sweeping Work Choices bill. Their report makes just one recommendation - that the Senate pass the legislation - but it states that the committee "would like" the Government to consider amendments on the 38-hour week averaging provisions, the 90-day notice period for terminating agreements, the prohibited matter rules for pre-reform agreements, outworker protection, the federal trainee/apprentice provisions, and guaranteeing four weeks annual leave.