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News in brief, December 5, 2005

Work Choices bill expected to pass Lower House on Wednesday; Victorian construction deal given code approval - again; and Vale Peter Cook.

More TV ads to back ACTU marginal seats campaign for 2007 election

The ACTU's multi-million dollar television advertising campaign against the Work Choices legislation will continue until the next federal election, backed by local publicity strategies designed to defeat Coalition MPs in marginal electorates.

Work Choices through the Senate

To cries of "shame" from the public gallery, the Senate has this evening passed the radical Work Choices legislation.

Government rejects further public holiday changes

Committee consideration of the Government’s amendments to the Work Choices legislation will resume tomorrow, after the Government refused late this evening to accept Family First Senator Steve Fielding’s bid for employees who work public holidays to receive an extra day’s leave.

Qantas start-up to have lower costs than Virgin: Dixon

Qantas's new budget airline will be based on the low-cost Impulse Airlines subsidiary and will have a lower overall cost structure than Virgin Blue, Qantas chief executive Geoff Dixon said today.