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News in brief, February 6, 2006

Work Choices constitutional challenge before High Court on Wednesday, AWU Queensland branch to join; Queensland IRC reserves decision on Howard Government's bid to delay State Wage Case; Victorian union officials line up for federal ALP pre-selections; and Victorian Police demand $100-a-day compensation for Commonwealth Games.

ColesMyer has a bet each way on award rationalisation

Australia's largest private sector employer, ColesMyer Ltd, supports moving to a system of industry-based awards, but only if they don't contain work practices now discarded by the large retailers. If ColesMyer can't be assured of that, it wants an enterprise award that would cover more than 150,000 employees.

Get in early with "big bang" award rationalisation, says MBA

Master Builders Australia, in its submission to the award review taskforce, is urging a "big bang" approach to award rationalisation, saying that as awards decline in relevance there will be less enthusiasm for the rationalisation process.

News in brief, February 3, 2006

Andrews floats idea of Fair Commission prescribing regional differences in pay rates; and No IR modelling of second wave, says Treasury head.

Keep enterprise and occupational awards, says ACTU

Enterprise and occupational awards should be retained when the Federal Government rationalises awards, any idea of moving to less than 20 industry awards should be abandoned, and any rationalisation should be undertaken by a re-empowered Commission with broad discretion to act in the best interests of award parties, according to the ACTU.